The American Legion – Dept. of NJ
Americanism Awards
Hello Legionnaires Your Post should have received the Americanism Awards criteria and forms for safety essay, poster contest and oratorical contest. Additional Americanism Awards are listed below. Deadline to submit entries to Jim Morton, Bergen County American Legion, is Friday February 18, 2022. Drop-off entries at an upcoming county meeting, or call
Let your voice be heard! Support Legion Endorsement for Legislation – please read…
To All: Several months ago, you may recall, that we had a very sad situation evolve in the three state run Veterans homes, with a significant loss of life, due to a less than optimum response to the COVID-19 at the homes. It is not our purpose to point fingers or
Veterans Employment, Homelessness & Education Committee
2021- 2022 POSITION PAPER & VISION “The Mission of The American Legion’s Department of New Jersey’s Veterans Employment, Homelessness & Education Committee, is to take actions that affect the economic wellbeing of veterans, including issues relating to veterans’ education, employment, home loans, vocational rehabilitation, homelessness, and small business.”
The American Legion 102nd Annual Convention
102nd Annual Convention June 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th Parade Day Yes, that’s right, the time of year when more than 5,000 New Jersey Legionnaires, Auxiliary members & the SAL flock to Wildwood for this year’s 102nd Annual Convention for four days of “Fun, Sun and Comradeship.” CONVENTION SCHEDULE Wed,
2021 Legion College Info & Forms
64th annual American Legion Leadership College at the National Guard Training Center, Sea Girt, New Jersey on April 23, 24, & 25, 2021. MAIL REGISTRATION FEE OF $100.00 and application to: THE AMERICAN LEGION, DEPT. OF NJ 171 Jersey Street, Building 5 Trenton, NJ 08611 Make checks payable The American Legion,
American Legion’s Dept. of NJ Stand on Bills A5174, A5108
Senator Gopal and Assemblywoman Tucker: Recently, the three Veterans Memorial Homes, under the management and administration of the New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, have come under fire for inadequate response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Click the link below to download full letter
Membership Numbers
Legionnaires, Please click on the link for the current end of the month membership numbers. Your membership chairperson should be sharing this with you as they get a copy also. Membership For God and Country Sophia Dmoch BCAL Sr. Vice/Adjutant “We Continue to Serve”
Department of New Jersey Awards Top Employers
The American Legion Department of New Jersey’s Employment, Homeless & Education Committee presented its Employer of the Year awards on Sept. 19 at Backward Flag Brewery in Forked River, N.J. Read more on